• PwrBookExtISOKbd is the PowerBook extended domestic keyboard with function keys. • PwrBookExtJISKbd is the PowerBook extended Japanese keyboard with function keys. • PwrBookExtISOKbd is the PowerBook extended international keyboard with function keys. • AppleAdjustADBKbd is the Apple adjustable keyboard (US, ISO, Japanese… version). • AppleAdjustKeypad is the optional numeric pad for the adjustable keyboard. • PwrBookISOADBKbd is the standard ADB keyboard for Macintosh PowerBook (ISO norm). • PwrBookADBKbd is the standard ADB keyboard for Macintosh PowerBook. • ADBISOKbdII is the standard ADB keyboard for Macintosh Classic or LC (ISO norm). • ADBKbdII is the standard ADB keyboard for Macintosh Classic or LC. • ExtISOADBKbd is a 106-key extended ADB keyboard (ISO norm). • StdISOADBKbd is a 82-key standard ADB keyboard (ISO norm). • PrtblISOKbd is an ADB keyboard for the Macintosh Portable (ISO norm). • PrtblADBKbd is an ADB keyboard for the Macintosh Portable. • StdADBKbd is a 82-key standard ADB keyboard. • ExtADBKbd is a 106-key extended ADB keyboard. • MacPlusKbd is a Mac Plus keyboard. • MacAndPad is a Mac 128 et 512 keyboard with optional numeric pad. • MacKbd is a Mac 128 or 512 keyboard.